Friday, January 7, 2011

Note to Me

I've always been told that I was wise beyond what my age was, so at twenty-five I have learned a lot of lessons and experienced a few hardships.  I don't claim to know it all or to have done it all.  Today yet again my awful luck presented itself and all the while I ranted and raved about how unfair my life was, until later in the day a wonderful opportunity yet again graced me.  I couldn't help but once again be reminded that things happen for a reason, whether they be good or bad.   I may not attend church on a regular basis or know everything I should about religion, but I'd say someone has a hand in dealing cards, so if I could magically go back and deliver a message to me ten years ago, it might go something like this...

You're about to experience some of the best days of your life.  Don't rush to grow up and live life because in ten years you'll wish you were a kid again, only worried about your date that night.  It will all work out in the end, so don't plan it out.  Learn to relax and let go.  Be kind and patient to everyone you meet, because Karma is real, very real.  Everything people say about being a grownup is true-it does suck, but it's also wonderful in the same respect.  Bad things will happen, even to good people, but trust that when one door is shut, another is waiting around the bend to open.  Don't hold grudges or gossip.  It only hardens a piece of your soul in the end.  Dream big and never stop the dreams from inspiring you, because along your life you'll hit patches that will derail you but not destroy you.  Nothing ever goes as planned, at least not for you (that doesn't change 10 years from now either), but trust me that some of the best things you will experience happen by accident, which I like to believe is fate.  Take all the things you believe now and throw them out the roof of that beautiful red convertible you just bought, because in ten years, none of those beliefs remain true.  Life changes and so do you.  Roll with the punches and believe in yourself.  Be careful what you wish for because sometimes they come true and never go to bed angry.  Your parents aren't always right, and neither are you.  Pick your battles in this world wisely.  Have fun, but most importantly, don't make decisions based on other people and their feelings.  Be yourself.  Be inspired.


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