Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My How Time Changes Us

I guess what people say is true.  Life is just like a roller coaster ride.  I've seen my fair share of ups and downs, and I have managed to make it out relatively unscathed.  But sometimes those curves really catch you off guard.  At this point in my life I felt that people couldn't surprise me.  Curve balls make me eat my words though.  People change and grow and yet somehow we always stay the same.  Our entire life is built on our past or what we remember of it.  As I watch everyone I grew up with getting married and having kids, I still see them as teenagers running around Dauphin stirring up any type of trouble to be found, because really, what else was there to do in that town? I find myself sometimes yearning to be a kid again, only for the pure enjoyment I got out of everyday, knowing I had nothing to worry about except making sure I was at the pool when it opened at noon.  Now as summer sneaks up on us, instead of worrying about getting to the pool, I worry about fitting into a bathing suit and making time to go on a vacation.  It's so sad how ten years can make such a difference in our lives and yet nothing has really changed in my mind.  I still would be happy to only have to worry about getting to the pool on time.

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