Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Missing Puzzle Pieces

Love can be such a cynical topic.  There are people in our lives we just seem to be drawn towards.  It may defy everything logical, and yet at those moments we find ourselves being the people we most want to be, but are too scared to become.  Listening to my single friends talk about their lives make me think back to my own crossroads in life and ponder it in retrospect.  I'm at a point in my life that I have grown to be so thankful for what I have accomplished and become, that I have to wonder what allowed me these opportunities, and what has passed me by due to my choices.

Someone told me that I blog because there is a void that I fill with my words.  There are moments I write because I am thinking of the what ifs, but who hasn't thought about that one thing, that would have changed everything in your life?  I think that admitting that love is work, it's hard, it's complicated and sometimes unfair, is half of the internal battle we fight.  The other half is just finding that missing piece to your puzzle that someone carries.  So, when you find all of this, my best advice to people is to jump, take that leap, no matter how cynical it may seem, you will just know, just like they always say, and it will be in the most mundane of days, when you least expect it.

So, yes, I blog because I feel like I speak best on paper.  I miss opportunities because I am afraid of change, of making a fool of myself, I hate to make decisions, and I know I can be a tad crazy at times.  These are all things I admit, but the people who love me, love all of me, so there are no voids, just moments I relive examining the possibilities and I keep writing...

"A love that defies all logic is sometimes the most logical thing in the world." ~Anonymous

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