Today I spent the day with some of my most favorite people in the world, my photo classmates. We spent a grueling day putting up our senior show, with almost no assistance. The eight of us have always been self driven, but today seemed like the true culmination of the past four years. It was near the end when we all stood back and realized that it was almost over.
To many people college may not seem that important, but it was where I have met the people that have really taught me about life, not just photography, and it was through this that my photographic vision was realized. When we turned off the gallery lights and closed the doors, I realized that this chapter in my life was coming to an end. My support system was scattering and so were my thoughts about the future. I hope that these accomplishments are only the beginning and that ten years from now I still have my peers to teach me about the ups and downs that are reflected in each of our photographs.