Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Lately I have been working hard to accomplish things that will allow me to find myself.  Along this journey I was able to cross two more things off from my list.  Thanks to some of my girlfriends I was able to cross off #26, a much needed girls weekend.  Today I have officially decided that I have learned to like running thus crossing off #69.  Since my race I have been unable to run because somewhere along the line I hurt my ankle.  I've given it a week to feel better so I've stayed away from running.  I can't believe these words are about to fly out of my mouth and onto this blog, BUT,  I MISS MY RUNS. Yes, I just said those horrible words.  I've come to enjoy my time running through the neighborhood and my trips to the gym to use the treadmill.  As of today I have started one item on the list that may be one of the most difficult things for me, no meat.  I've recently heard of this unique diet that will force me to eat more fruits and veggies www.rawissexy.com .  So I figure now is a good time as any to try and start my year without it entirely.  Wish me good luck!
Slowly but surely I am working on the Life List.  It may take me a while, but I will get there.  A few others are in the works but I'll have to wait to write about them.

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